SEO : Natural Referencing by Moiz

What is SEO ?

Search Engine Optimization allows a website to appear on the first page of search engines when Internet users type in the keywords that your company has positioned itself on. It is through a strategy of optimization of your website’s content that Google will naturally deem you relevant in regards to strategic keywords.

Building your credibility

If anyone can buy an add on Google, not everyone can position themselves naturally on the first page. In real life, it takes time and dedication to build trust. This is what distinguishes you from your competition.

On the Internet, it is the same! If you wish to inspire real lasting trust in your future clients, it will be through a SEO strategy. Natural referencing will endow you with the credit and the visibility necessary to convert them. Today, 92% of Internet users prefer to click on a naturally referenced link rather than on an add.

In 2018, on a sample of 100 people doing a search on Google, a little over 3 people clicked a link referenced by a paid campaign whereas more than 38 people clicked on a naturally referenced link. The conclusion is that of 100 people searching Google, more than a third will click an SEO referenced website.
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Why think of a SEO referencing strategy ?

“SEO has a conversion rate of 14.6% versus 1.7% for traditional methods”

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Obtaining quality traffic

Search engines generate three times more traffic for websites compared to social networks. Why? Because natural referencing does not intrude in your potential clients’ life. On the contrary, it is the clients themselves that find you through keywords relevant to your field of activity.

Google establishes for you the correspondence between their need and your offer. If you are positioned on a wide array of keywords, you have a better chance of being visible to Internet users truly interested by your offer. They will try to contact you, and then it is up to you!

Generating constant leads

Once your website is well referenced, the keywords that you positioned yourself on will keep directing a constant and permanent flux of visitors to it.

The traffic never stops, even if you did not invest recently.

The lead generating machine continues to turn, and people are continually sent to your website.

Stability as a choice

To invest in a SEO strategy is to take a step back in order to jump higher. SEO brings results in less than 6 months for an existing website and in less than 12 months for a new website. Although this strategy takes some time to implement, the return on your investment is more than solid.

Natural referencing is capable to place you among the first Google search results, without making you vulnerable to the fluctuations of prices and external events.

Transparency by Moiz

Natural referencing is still a somewhat unknown discipline for the wider public. Traditional referencing agencies seldom respond to the common wish of every client: the right of insight into their referencing.

At Moiz, we respond to this issue with complete transparency.

Our team’s code programmers have designed a work tool entirely dedicated to the agency’s clients. Thanks to our personalised dashboard, you can connect at any time to check on the evolution of your referencing.
With your own log in details, you can consult your standing on each of your keywords, keep track of the work done on your website’s links et even follow the rate of your traffic.

We conceived this unique tool to make your life easier and to place you at the centre of your referencing.

At Moiz, when we are referencing, you are part of the adventure as well.

Three misconceptions about SEO

Natural referencing is like paid for referencing…


Natural referencing is the opposite.
Natural referencing is:

1.  A thorough optimization of your website

2.  A strategy that allows to place a huge number of keywords without having to pay Google

SEO? Easy, it’s always the same recipe…

No luck, wrong again!

Techniques being used today will be obsolete by tomorrow.

Google can change its placement criteria close to 500 times a year.

SEO requires constant monitoring and swift reactivity.
Gros nuage blanc

Natural referencing is useless…


Today, close to 70% of marketeers consider SEO more efficient than paid campaigns (source: Databox).
The growth of SEA has progressively placed natural referencing among the priorities for marketing specialists. SEO has become the major element capable of completing paid referencing.

How do we know? Here are the results of traffic generated
by these two referencing techniques:

Our way
nuage gris
To initiate a good referencing, it is necessary to follow
each of these steps


The purpose of an audit is to allow us to evaluate your website in order to identify errors.

These errors hinder the efficiency of your site, and will be rectified to obtain an optimal performance.

Referencing strategy

After having updated and optimized your website, we will act on several fields:

-internal network
-keyword targeting

Follow up and optimization strategies

We will then implement a monitoring of your referencing’s progression.
In order to give you complete insight into your results, Moiz designed a dashboard capable of displaying all your data at any given moment.

Our follow up is done in full transparency and availability, to maintain our relationship of trust.

Our Services

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Natural referencing or paid referencing,
what to choose?

Why separate Asterix and Obelix when you can have both?

Natural referencing perfectly completes paid referencing. Google ads allows you to have fast returns when launching your website. SEO referencing is more progressive but more solid as well. To use both is to assure yourself of having all the advantages that this shock duo brings.

Why separate Asterix and Obelix when you can have both?

Natural referencing perfectly completes paid referencing. Google ads allows you to have fast returns when launching your website. SEO referencing is more progressive but more solid as well. To use both is to assure yourself of having all the advantages that this shock duo brings.

✅ Qu’est-ce que le référencement naturel SEO?

Le référencement naturel, dit référencement SEO, est un ensemble de techniques d’optimisation permettant de faire apparaître un site web, dans les premiers résultats de recherche Google. Les optimisations du référencement naturel s’opèrent sur trois axes principaux: les performances techniques, la popularité et le contenu.

✅ Pourquoi devrais-je me tourner vers le SEO pour référencer mon site?

Le référencement SEO est un travail de longue haleine. Pourtant, l’efficacité du SEO donne des résultats très nets, bien au-delà des autres méthodes traditionnelles. Le SEO est la promesse d’un trafic qualifié qui arrive en flux permanent sur votre site web. Le ciblage SEO est plus précis puisque les personnes véritablement intéressées par votre contenu vous trouvent d’elles-même.

✅ Puis-je m’occuper de mon référencement SEO moi-même?

La mise en place d’une bonne stratégie SEO demande un suivi permanent des performances techniques, des mots-clés et de l’optimisation constante d’un site web. De plus, le référenceur doit être attentif aux nouvelles exigences Google qui peuvent changer près de 500 fois par an. Bien référencer un site implique une grande charge de travail. De plus, mal s’y prendre pourrait vous mener à vous attirer les foudres de Google. Afin d’éviter les retombées négatives sur votre site, il est très fortement conseillé de vous adresser à un professionnel du référencement.

✅ Quand aurais-je les premiers résultats de mon référencement SEO?

Les résultats d’un référencement SEO surviennent progressivement, contrairement aux campagnes payantes où les retours sont instantanés. Cependant, la qualité des leads générés par ces deux techniques, parle d’elle-même. Même si votre référencement débute, une fois en marche, le SEO est capable de générer des leads qualifiés sur un volume plus restreint que le référencement payant. Cependant, toute technique de référencement a ses avantages et ses inconvénients. Le SEO est un processus long à mettre en place. Les premiers résultats peuvent apparaître au bout de 4 à 6 mois pour un site déjà existant et moins de 12 mois pour un site qui vient d’être créé. En revanche, le retour sur investissement est bien présent.